Security As A Service
Clients are extremely important to Secured because they reward us for our efforts. This is mainly done by paying the invoices, enabling Secured to conduct all its business activities.
To ensure that we are always welcome, we at Secured must ensure that our commitment continues to be appreciated and sought after.
To offer our customers a high-quality service, we have formulated skills at Secured that enable us to achieve this.
These are:
Proactive = Being Alert + Acting
Representative = Good impression + Professional appearance
Competent = Experience + Expertise
Hospitable = Attention + Customer focus
Committed = Ownership + Dedicated
Sincere = Genuine + Honest
In addition to these skills, we think it is important that you have the following mind-set:
Protect Proactively
Our approach is to do! Proactive security means that you are active, alert and that you work service oriented. That extra step ensures excellent service.
Passion for security
Working at Secured means that you as an employee love security. Security is not just making money for you. You protect to contribute to keep a safe society.
Hard work is not our motto! Enjoy working! Because if you enjoy working, it is no longer hard work, but working from passion!
Being involved creates a bond of trust and a basis for building a long-term working relationship together. Involved means that you feel responsible for what you protect.